Published 16th June 2020

We are very sad to announce that due to the impact of Covid-19, this year’s Much Hadham Fete and Dog Show will not take place.

Since our last update in May we have continued to monitor the situation, hopeful things would ease.  However as it stands there is still no government or local authority guidance which reaches as far as the end of August.  It feels very unlikely such large public gatherings will be permitted by then anyway and, even if they were, considering the lead-times with all the various parties involved with the fete, and the continuing social distancing and other healthcare guidance and restrictions, unfortunately it is not possible to organise such an event confidently.

The next Much Hadham Fete and Dog show will therefore now be held on 30th August 2021 and it goes without saying our aim is to create something special.

In the meantime, Trustees of the Much Hadham Recreation Trust have been working with numerous local groups and organisations to assist in the provision of resources and where applicable to provide guidance on applying for government and local authority grants and assistance packages.

The Trust has worked closely with CAREbank, to create resources to help with social connection during physical distancing, and the creation of a new website which has quickly become a focal point for many, providing up to date information, advice and links to local and national resources. www.carebank.uk

We are also standing ready to assist where we can in the organisation of an alternative village-centric event later in the year should such events be permitted.

In the meantime, we wish everyone the best in the strange and uncertain times and know that this will end and good times lie ahead.

Best wishes, The Fete Committee