Proudly Supporting Local Amenities, Groups and Good Causes
Much Hadham Recreation Trust
The Much Hadham Recreation Trust was established in 1987 and is the successor to the former Thanksgiving Memorial Fund (otherwise known as The Victory Fund) which was started at the end of the Second World War to raise money to buy out and equip the playing fields and to acquire the Village Hall premises.
It is a registered charity (No. 1187OO2) and independent body whose objects are to help with funding for the upkeep and maintenance of the Village Hall and the playing fields and for such other charitable purposes for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Much Hadham as the trustees shall determine.
To reflect the increasing scale and responsibilities of the Trust, it was incorporated into a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in 2020.
The Trust has overall responsibility for the annual Village Fete, which is its main fundraising activity. It also receives generous donations from members of the Parish. Each year following the fete the Trustees invite village organisations to apply for grants.
Since 2017 grants have been awarded to cover the annual servicing costs of the defibrillator at the Much Hadham Fire Station.
Full details can be found on the Grant Applications Page of this website or by emailing
Much Hadham Movie Nights
The Recreation Trust held it's first Much Hadham Movie Night in the Summer of 2021 with a very successful showing of Mamma Mia.
For 2022 we featured the all time classic musical GREASE to a capacity crowd.
There are currently no plans in place for a future Movie Night. -
Much Hadham Fete and Dog Show
The Much Hadham Fete has been held annually on August Bank Holiday Monday and dates back to the 1950’s. It was started as a way to raise funds for the upkeep of the village playing field and over the years has steadily grown into a large event which now incorporates a Kennel Club licensed Dog Show, fairground rides and trade stalls as well as traditional village elements.
The Much Hadham Recreation Trust has overall responsibility for the Much Hadham Fete. The profits from the fete are used by the Trust for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Much Hadham, including the upkeep and maintenance of the Village Hall and Playing Fields, and the support of local organisations such as the Youth Club, Scouts, Baby and Toddlers Group, Busy Weeks, the Forge Museum, Green Tye & Perry Green Society, the Horticultural Society, Badminton clubs, Green Tye Players and many more.
There are currently no plans in place for a future event.
Grant Applications Past and Present
The Recreation Trust will invite grant applications from eligible village groups and societies in October. Use the links below to download an application form or to view past grants.
Click Here
to View Grant Awards